If you’re feeling more stressed than usual these days (and who isn’t?), there’s a simple way to feel better fast: Start stretching! Not only does stretching help ease achy muscles and joints and maintain mobility as we get older, it’s also a soothing way to unwind.
“Stretching often is a neglected type of exercise, but it couldn’t be easier,” says Carol Ewing Garber, Ph.D., a professor of movement sciences at Teachers College, Columbia University. “You don’t need to be fit or use special equipment, and you don’t have to do much to experience benefits. Stretching makes you slow down and focus on the present, which also becomes a sort of mindfulness meditation.”
Why does stretching help fight stress?
“One of the most important components of stretching is breathing,” says Rachel Tavel, P.T., D.P.T., C.S.C.S., author of Stretch Yourself Healthy: Easy Routines to Relieve Pain, Boost Energy, and Feel Refreshed. “By breathing deeply during a stretch, you’re cuing the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows heart rate, releases muscle tension, and calms the mind.”
But don’t make it too complicated! Simply inhale deeply, then exhale deeply during the stretch. “You don’t have to exhale until you expel the very last drop of air,” says Tavel. “Let your lungs empty naturally. It’s more about getting into a rhythm or cycle of breathing that feels right to you.” It’s fine to count if that helps, such as a count of four to breathe in and four out. But it’s not necessary, and if you’re worrying too much about how you’re breathing, that may interfere with the relaxation effect, says Tavel.
While any stretch can be relaxing if you breathe deeply in and out as you do them, the stretches below are a good routine because they’re comforting, natural poses that allow you to shut out the world for a few minutes, says Tavel.
Stretching for relaxation doesn’t have to be a huge commitment.
It’s great to stretch every day, but at the minimum, do it a few times a week, says Garber. Hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds to the point of tightness, just when it’s beginning to get uncomfortable—but never painful. If you’re not flexible, which happens to most of us as we get older, you may benefit from slightly longer hold times of up to 60 seconds. Repeat each move a few times. It should take about 10 minutes total if you’re stretching all the major muscle-tendon groups including the shoulders, chest, neck, trunk, lower back, hips, legs, and ankles.
Should you stretch at a certain time of day?
It’s helpful no matter when you fit it into your schedule, though your range of motion will be better if you warm up your muscles first with exercise, a short walk, or warm bath or shower. But it’s beneficial at any time of day.
“Stretching first thing in the morning can help promote better posture, mobility, and movement throughout the day,” says Tavel. “Mid-day stretching is a great way to get out of a postural ‘slump.’ And stretching in the evening can help you wind down, tune into where tension has developed, and breathe away stress.” It’s also fine to squeeze stretching in here and there throughout the day when while you’re waiting for your toast, watching TV, or showering. Every bit counts!
Get started with the five stretches below from Tavel’s book, Stretch Yourself Healthy. “These natural poses are a good way to unwind any time of day,” says Tavel. “Don’t push or force them. Just let gravity do the work, and don’t forget to breath in and out in a natural, rhythmic way.”
Double Knee to Chest Stretch
This move releases your lower back and hip tension.
- Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms at your side
- With your hands either behind your thighs or slightly below your kneecaps, slowly bring both knees to toward your chest. Hold here for 20-30 seconds.
- Try rocking your hips side to side to massage your lower back. Repeat this stretch 2 or 3 times.
Child’s Pose
This stretch relaxes the low back, arms, and shoulders.
- Begin on your hands and knees, with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
- Walk your arms out in front of you, placing your palms flat on the floor. Slowly sit your hips back toward your heels, dropping your head and chest downward as your arms extend farther in front of you.
- Hold for 20 to 30 seconds.
Lower Trunk Rotation
This move extends and rotates the spine and stretches the lower back and hips.
- Begin lying on your back with knees bent and arms by your side or out to the sides like the letter “T” to stabilize.
- While keeping your upper back and shoulders on the floor, slowly allow your knees to drift all the way to the right side until you feel a gentle twist and stretch in your lower back area. Try keeping your knees glued together as you this.
- After a few seconds, pick up your knees and allow them to fall to the left side, all while keeping knees together and should blades down. Gentle continue to rock side to side, allowing a few seconds of stretch on each side.
- Repeat for 5 twists to each side.
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Lying-Down Pec Stretch
This move releases pec muscles and elongates the spine to help with shoulder and back alignment.
- Lying down on the mat, keep your knees bents and feet flat on the ground and lie a foam roller so the roller lines up with the back of your head down to your tailbone.
- Bring your palms together in front of your chest. Slowly open your arms out to the side like the letter “T” allowing your hands to fall to the ground. (Let gravity and breathwork help increase the stretch.)
- Hold for 3- seconds, then repeat 3 times.
This move stretches the cervical spine to tailbone.
- Begin on the floor on your hands and knees with your spine in a neutral position. As you inhale, arch your back by dropping your belly button toward the floor and look up toward the ceiling and hold.
- Exhale as you round your back up toward the ceiling like an angry cat, lower your head, and drop your shoulders.
- Move between these two positions gently and slowly for 5 to 8 repetitions.

Want More? Try Prevention’s Ultimate Stretching Program
Stretching just a few minutes a day can help you soothe stiff joints, melt away chronic stress, improve sleep, and revive energy! Get everything you need to add a stretching routine to your lifestyle and help achieve your wellness goals.