What Is Amazon Warehouse? Get the Best Deals During Amazon Prime Big Deal Days | osutanuki.com
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Home LIFE What Is Amazon Warehouse? Get the Best Deals During Amazon Prime Big Deal Days

What Is Amazon Warehouse? Get the Best Deals During Amazon Prime Big Deal Days

What Is Amazon Warehouse? Get the Best Deals During Amazon Prime Big Deal Days

It’s no secret that you can find the best deals on Amazon. You can always count on the mega retailer to offer huge savings on everything from affordable beauty products to best-selling tech gadgets—but what if there was a way to score even more savings? Enter: Amazon Warehouse.

This secret section on Amazon is the best way to score major discounts—and our discovery comes at the perfect time, too, because one of Amazon’s biggest sales of the year is in full swing at this very moment. Amazon Prime Big Deal Days, which is live until today, October 11, is currently offering up major discounts on Apple productsbeauty essentialscomfy sneakers, and so much more.

To help you score the biggest savings possible during the sale, we’ve got all the best tips and tricks on how to shop at Amazon Warehouse right here. Read on ahead for everything you need to know about Amazon’s secret section—and make sure to act fast to snag those discounts, as the sale only lasts until today!


What exactly is Amazon Warehouse?

Amazon Warehouse is a section of Amazon that offers discounts on some of the (seriously) most sought-after items and brands out there, including Apple productsInstant Pot and Ninja small appliances, Amazon devices (Fire TVs, Echo, Kindle), and viral products. These products are on sale because their condition is “like-new, open-box, or pre-owned,” according to Amazon Warehouse’s FAQ page.

But sometimes, shoppers can get an even sweeter deal. “I’ve had major luck getting steep discounts on brand new products sold directly by Amazon,” says Lexie Sachs, textiles director at the Good Housekeeping Institute. She randomly found the site one day when purchasing balloon sets (normally $30) for her kids and noticed a “new from $20.50” option with the Amazon Prime logo next to it. Sachs clicked through just to find out that the packaging was slightly damaged and decided to give it a shot. “When my order showed up, the box looked like it was in perfect condition,” she says. After that, Sachs says she was hooked.

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How do I get to Amazon Warehouse?

You can click the big shop button above or right here. To navigate to it from the Amazon.com homepage, simply click the dropdown arrow to the left of the search function at the top of the page, and scroll down to “Amazon Warehouse.” Then, you can look up and browse items, from any category, specifically from the Warehouse.

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The Amazon Warehouse homepage.

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by Good Housekeeping US

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How does Amazon Warehouse work?

According to Amazon, all items are evaluated and graded using a 20-point quality process. The site uses labels like “Like New,” “Renewed,” “Good,” and “Acceptable” to give shoppers a quick understanding of the product’s condition, along with detailed comments unique to that item.

Look out for these labels when shopping Amazon Warehouse:

  • Renewed: This is Amazon’s version of refurbished. All renewed products have been inspected and tested by Amazon to work and look as good as new. It should have minimal to no signs of wear and comes with the Amazon Renewed Guarantee which gives you 90 days to request a replacement or refund.
  • Used – Like New: An item in perfect working condition. The packaging may have minor damage.
  • Used – Very Good: The item has seen limited use and remains in great working condition. The packaging may be damaged or it may come repackaged.
  • Used – Good: The item shows wear, but remains in good working condition. The packaging may be damaged or it may come repackaged.
  • Used – Acceptable: The item is fairly worn but continues to function properly. The packaging may be damaged or it may come repackaged.

If you’re unhappy with your purchase, Amazon Warehouse offers free replacements within 30 days when there is a product with the same listing condition available in their inventory.

As for scoring a great deal, it’s first come, first serve. “It’s not like there are multiple units in inventory,” explains Sachs. “It’s something you should keep an eye out for, and you have to be quick because it’s usually a one-off item at a time.” She suggests adding your selected item to Amazon’s “Save for Later” so you keep tabs on markdowns.

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Is Amazon Warehouse legit and safe to shop from?

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Always make sure the item is fulfilled by Amazon.

To be extra safe, make sure to only make your purchase when your item is labeled “Fulfilled by Amazon.” You can see this on the far right of the page, under the price. “Knowing it’s fulfilled by Amazon, I know it’s legitimate and I can easily resolve any issues if they come up,” says Sachs. “I don’t think I’d feel safe if it was a third-party seller that I had to deal with separately if there was an issue.”

Our favorite Amazon Warehouse deals:

Some of the best deals available now (if you’re fast enough) include:

Remember that to get these prices, you must scroll down the right side of the page to select a “Save With Used” price, versus buying new, or select the “New & Used (from) option” and view competitive offers.

See below for more of our favorite Warehouse deals on now. Keep in mind that Warehouse pricing changes regularly, so prices written may differ slightly from what you see on Amazon right now.

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